Turnkey Environmental Services for the Renewable Energy Industry
Copyright © 2017 by Aeolus Consulting Services, LLC · All Rights Reserved
Welcome to the New ACS!
After 11 years of successfully providing top-class environmental services to the wind industry, Avian Consulting Services has become Aeolus Consulting Services, LLC. With the name change has come additional expertise across the board and expanded services. While we may not be quite as powerful as our namesake keeper of the winds, we are nonetheless strongly committed to excellence. Because of our inherent support of renewable energy, when you contract with ACS you are getting unsurpassed technical
expertise, as well as a level of dedication that can only come from a staff that truly believes in the work they are doing. This enthusiasm is manifested in our desire to make sure that everything we do will withstand the most stringent scrutiny and reflect favorably on the industry.
Our Services
ACS is unique among consulting firms: we focus solely on the diverse environmental issues associated with wind and solar energy development. Each key member of the ACS staff has over 30 years of experience in their respective disciplines and comes to ACS from some of the largest natural and cultural resource consulting firms in the country. Accordingly, we are able to provide our clients with unsurpassed environmental expertise, including:

Local ordinance and constraint reviews
State, federal, and tribal agency consultations
Pre- and post-construction floral and faunal surveys
Technical cliff and cave surveys
Bird and bat conservation strategies
Ultrasonic bat surveys and call identification
Avian risk assessments and modeling, eagle take permits
NEPA compliance and documentation
Endangered species surveys and mitigation plans
Archaeological surveys and cultural resource management
Clean Water Act Section 404 compliance, SWPPPs, wetlands delineations
Phase I environmental site assessments
GIS and graphics support